new release

new release ☆

Relax & Remix offers a fresh take on daily journaling, grounding you in the richness of your experiences to help you discover clues for cultivating deeper fulfillment.

Through this 4-week evolutionary journey, you'll learn mindsets and techniques that empower you to make better decisions, step out of your comfort zone, and live more authentically.

If you’re ready to generate fresh ideas for creating growth opportunities, unlock your potential with Relax & Remix.

ready to
live more authentically?

Imagine a journal that doesn't just capture your thoughts but actively guides you toward personal evolution.

Each day, you'll engage with information, mindsets, and techniques that empower you to make better decisions, step out of your comfort zone, and live more authentically.

What you’ll learn

Meet the author

Elayna Spratley

Elayna Spratley enjoys using data and experimentation to better understand the world and inspire creative thinking. With a BA in Broadcast Production Technology from Bethune-Cookman University and a BFA in Graphic Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design, Elayna’s career spans photography, social media marketing, software design, vintage clothing resale, styling, writing, and speaking.

She has facilitated innovation sessions at Fortune 100 companies and coached individuals towards greater self-awareness and confidence. Through her dynamic design and mindfulness agency, INFOLD Studios, Elayna helps individuals, teams, and organizations get unstuck, move forward with deep understanding through data and experimentation, and create innovative solutions.

Elayna is also a Certified Energy Practitioner and has mentored over 100 individuals in meditation and mindfulness. She co-leads Free People, Free People, a monthly wellness gathering in her local community, guiding group meditations and discussions.

With a blend of optimism, intuition, wisdom, strategy, and fun, Elayna encourages her clients and community to explore and grow, addressing goals and challenges with curiosity. She believes that through deep understanding via data and experimentation, we can all evolve intentionally.

Create your formula for a more fulfilling, authentic life.

Take the first step toward a more evolved you. With "Relax & Remix," you'll generate fresh ideas for growth and unlock your full potential.

Don't wait for change to come to you—seize it and embark on this transformative journey today.

Order your copy now and start evolving your life, one day at a time.